Our Last Distance

Bittersweet. At this point my body is tired. Cranky with distance. It has been a long whirlwind winter. That is truly is how I feel. Winter in Vermont can only be described as long cold nights, short cold days and upon reflecting, over in the blink of an eye. This past weekend was our first warm weekend with temperatures in the 50’s. Paradise in VT. Adam joked that Vermonters come out of the woodwork on the first warm day, moving slowly to bask in the sun like turtles on a log. So true.

IMG_3114 (My apologizes for the selfy, but it was 50*F out and I was supposed to be moving a ton of pellets. See what I am lounging on, that is the ton of pellets).

Anyhow, my group gathered for our last distance run of 12 miles before the race. (We joke that next week is our “rest” week with a run of a mere 6 miles).


We crossed town lines.

IMG_3116We loved the sun.

IMG_3117We saw surefire signs of spring!

And then we were done. But I wasn’t done with the sun, so we headed to our great friends sugarhouse. Spring is here!

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