As I look back through my old culinary pocket notebooks I am amazed. As a young student I was ferociously scribbling down every word said to me by a Chef. Now I look at these books as I am working on a project that is very dear to my heart and I can’t believe my eyes. Things these Chefs told me nearly ten years ago, right as rain. Books they told me to read that I have just discovered in the last year or so, tearing through chapters at bedtime. I haven’t not read these notes much after leaving school, maybe flipping through now and again to find a recipe I once made. Their words are facts. These Chefs told me things long ago that since then I have figured out on my own. I was too young for their words when they were given to me and now I have figured them all out on my own. Wouldn’t I have saved myself so much time had I reread these notebooks 5 years ago? I think not. I am glad I gained the experience and came to the same conclusion on my own. Thank you Chefs, you know who you are.